Digitalism in Cairo

pic: Slick Jurgen

I'm back again in the big city. I traveled some weeks in Russia and went to the Peoples Republic of China (also called China Mainland) to stay in Beijing for another week, and - I didn't listen to any music in the last three weeks, except some eighties stuff in a bad breakfast restaurant...
So when I came back, I was really curious about what's hot and what's going on - but the world doesn't move so much in three weeks, I guess...


we've recently been to the wall, here in taipei, visiting a mc hot dog concert. hot dog is a taiwanese rapper, who is supported by a band, that makes some sort of crossover sound. that was a nice evening. warm up overdose sounded a bit like german teeniegroup tokyo hotel which was fine for me :) afterwards hot dog made the crowd happy. one highlight was a kind of a rest, where they played a wired remix of schnappy, das kleine krokodil and they tosted freestyle on it. hitsingle wo ai tai mei means: i love taiwanese beauties and (lucky guy) they love me. it's certainly my holiday hit.

tiny dancer

time again for a favourite of mine. from time to time it jumps from somewhere to my ear or i find myself singing it in the subway. my bad.

Remember 2000

pic: lostsouls (flickr)

Do you remember, which music you listened in 2000? What kind of music was hot and what was not in the first year of the new millennium? I remember I bought the Artful Dodger record ("It's All About The Stragglers") at the end of 2000 and I liked it very much. Some kind of commercial thing, but I liked it anyway. Anyone talked about 2step and that this might be the next big thing coming from the UK. I asked Pete and Mouse E, that this should be and that they think about it. Pete told me "2step? You silly boy! It's so easy: one-two, one-two - 2step!". Mouse E said to me, that he isn't interested in such out-dated music anymore...

Back to the present. Last week I found a brand new Artful Dodger remix... So listen to it and think about it by yourself...

Teenage Bad Girl

pic: wistine (flickr)

After Pete put his little white ass into an aircraft and went to the Republic of China, which we usually call Taiwan, I'm sitting here alone. Bored, no message from Pete since Sunday evening. Hope you're doing well, mate!

Feeling so alone in this world made of music I called Mouse E this afternoon, but his mobile phone was switched off. A new chick, I guess... So I checked some tracks on my laptop and found this pretty lovely one...

all your sweat belongs to me

so yesterday i went to supamolli. my friend left me before the party even started. i'm so lonely. so i'm looking for the happy boy with the beer in his pocket. some eighties tunes are cheering me up. happy crowd that is.

foto: alexandra (flickr)

right now i'm making some lame attempt to cut down 10 years of my fathers Easter family celebration videos to a 5 minute clip. the slomo vision of kids proudly presenting the tuck while the adults make fun at the big table starts to unfold...

I finally found out

pic: i dance for dollars

Yes, my friend, reading this post, I finally found out who The Teenagers are. And I also found out that they are quite cool and they've got some quite good songs and remixes. And I started to write a post only about The Teenagers.

But as you always know from Pete's last post, I've got this very bad disease, called drawing blockade and I have to spend so much time at my healer. He's an old Indian and he always tells me: "My son, you should see me as your coach, not as a doctor."

It is getting better now, but I didn't actually know how to proceed with this unfinished post. So I asked my healer that to do and he told my that he likes The Teenagers too. I guess he didn't even realize, that I was talking about some kind of musicians.

Other resources

guilty feet have got no rhythm

this line from george michael has nothing to do with keith.

anyway, it sounds good too. so i ask slicky about some anarchistic drawings for our little blog and he told me that he's suffering from a drawing blockade. next i ask mouse e. for the italo mixtape, he told me he was doing. he said fu*k off. you know he's a sweet guy. two hours later he was calling me and said sorry and told me about manchesters band keith and this braxe-falke remix. i should listen to that. well i did. it's beautiful. braxe and falke turned that rumbling britpop tune into a sensual 80s disco ballad.

go, whatch keith videos on youtube!

noch so ein knaller...

Teenager is kinda like the name itself. Young and horny. Unpredictable. Loud. Drunk. Abusive in a loving kinda way. Schizophrenic.

die ausserordentlich talentierten damen von vanshe remixen ja gerade alles was bei drei nicht auf den bäumen ist. ihr alone again remix von teenager (nicht verwechseln mit den teenagers) fetzt das haus. das geile teil groovt schon ne ganze weile durchs netz. aber wers bisher verpasst hat, hier isses.

the shins fill postbahnhof

foto: gregory perez

... with people, what did you think? wonderful music. slickys girl missed the big booms. i did not. whatsoever, hehe, we agreed, they sound at times a bit like the simonandgarfunkels, which i think is not so bad, since it's that familiar feeling that makes the sound so appealing to me. still my favourite, from chutes too narrow (2003), they played it at the very last: so says i.

Let's make love

pic: dirtydirtydancing

I wished this natural kind of fashion would become more and more common, but I guess it won't... So anyway... here is a new mix made by one of my favs... SMD.

klaxons in berlin

foto: nevbrown

wow. slicky was quite shocked by the performance of our darlings. well done. but too short to get drunk. apropos: why is that chick in front of the bar constantly smiling at me? does she want to kiss me, or just scrounge some beer or what? arrgh it's the klaxons...

Don't forget saturday

If you are in Berlin, Germany this Saturday you need to come out to Privatclub. Dana & Sirius Mo will set the dance floor on fire with their berlinstyle electro punk...

Check also this

It's the beat

While Pete is still looking for his login details, I found a nice track I would like to share with you. I don't know who The Teenagers are, but I know who Simian Mobile Disco are... So check it out, it's a quite cool disco dancing mix.


Two weeks ago Pete asked me to write for this blog and... mainly to provide some music. First of all I was a little bit frightened about this idea, because I always own two other blogs and I don't get them running anymore.

But then I thought that this idea is really great, especially together with Pete. So I kept the whole thing in my head all the last days without thinking of a special song or band to post. I tried to be attentive to the music I listened to. And that it could mean to me...

und es glimmt wieder

bevor wir jeden morgen um halb 9 hier im evil SM hauptquartier den safe öffnen und die cappuccinomaschine rausholen wird musik angemacht. die ganze letzte woche lief die glimmers fabric mixcd. der erste track hat sich bei mir als ohrwurm festgesetzt. same old scene stammt von roxy music und ist von 1980 hehe. die glimmers haben das ding aufpoliert. ich war nie ein fan von roxy music. bryan ferrys stimme ist natürlich toll, aber die musik war mir immer einen tick zu langweilig. wenn man die käsig scheppernden beats des neuen mixes überstanden hat wird man mit einem supergroovigen bass belohnt...

weblinks zu den glimmers, bzw. glimmertwins verkneife ich mir hier, weil die webseiten superschei**e sind.

kennen sie die melodie?

foto: small ape

da habe ich doch was schönes gehört auf der fluokids seite... eine zarte melodie ziemlich brachial 8bittig in die welt rausgehämmert von einem herren namens covox, und ich denke noch: "das kenn ich doch". nagut, wenn das album ..tribute to kraftwerk heißt, wird es wohl ein original von kraftwerk geben. gibt es, ist von 1981 und saugeil. welche version ist besser? ich weiß es, aber sags euch nicht.

I call this number
For a data date
I don't know what to do
I need a rendezvous


the lucksmiths

die lucksmiths sind drei australier, die zauberhaften garagenpop spielen. die sollen hier mal den anfang machen auf unserem neuen musikbl*g. sie klingen so unverstellt, dass man sie einfach gern haben muß. auf ihrer webseite kann man alle songtexte nachlesen. eines meiner lieblingslieder ist there is a boy that never goes out vom album naturaliste.